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6 Tips to Secure the Best Mortgage Interest Rate
Eric McKinney
/ Categories: Borrowing, Featured Article

6 Tips to Secure the Best Mortgage Interest Rate

6 Tips to Secure the Best Mortgage Interest Rate

Finding the perfect mortgage for your dream home is an exciting yet complex process. One of the most crucial aspects of this journey is securing the best mortgage interest rate. A lower interest rate can lead to substantial savings over the life of your loan. Here are six valuable tips to help you achieve the best mortgage interest rate possible:

1. Build a Strong Credit Profile:

Lenders heavily rely on your credit score to assess your risk as a borrower. A higher credit score typically results in a lower interest rate. To boost your credit score, make sure to pay your bills on time, keep credit card balances low, and avoid opening new credit accounts before applying for a mortgage.

2. Save for a Larger Down Payment:

A larger down payment not only reduces the amount you need to borrow but also signals to lenders that you're financially responsible. This can make you a more attractive borrower and potentially lead to a lower interest rate. Aim for a down payment that's at least 20% of the home's purchase price.

3. Compare Multiple Lenders:

Don't settle for the first mortgage offer you receive. Different lenders might offer varying interest rates and loan terms. Take the time to shop around and compare offers from multiple lenders, including at Eaton Community Bank, to find the best deal that suits your needs.

4. Opt for a Shorter Loan Term:

While a 30-year mortgage may seem attractive due to lower monthly payments, a shorter loan term, such as a 15-year mortgage, often comes with a lower interest rate. Although your monthly payments may be higher, you'll pay significantly less interest over the life of the loan.

5. Demonstrate Stable Income:

Lenders want assurance that you'll be able to make your mortgage payments consistently. Providing evidence of stable employment and a reliable income can help build trust with lenders and potentially lead to a more favorable interest rate.

6. Consider Buying Points:

Mortgage points, also known as discount points, allow you to pay upfront to reduce your interest rate over the life of the loan. Each point typically costs 1% of the loan amount and can lower your interest rate by about 0.25%. Depending on your financial situation and how long you plan to stay in the home, buying points can be a smart financial move.


Securing the best mortgage interest rate requires careful planning and attention to detail. By building a strong credit profile, saving for a substantial down payment, comparing lenders, considering shorter loan terms, showcasing stable income, and exploring mortgage points, you'll be well on your way to obtaining the most favorable rate for your home loan.

At Eaton Community Bank, we're dedicated to helping you navigate the mortgage process and find the perfect solution for your homeownership journey. Connect with our experienced Lending Team today to start your path toward homeownership with confidence. Want to run some potential numbers for yourself? Try our Home Financing Calculators.

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