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Worried About a Recession? Here's How to Get Your Small Business Ready
Eric McKinney
/ Categories: Business, Featured Article

Worried About a Recession? Here's How to Get Your Small Business Ready

Worried About a Recession? Here's How to Get Your Small Business Ready

Some recessions seem to come out of nowhere. Others are predicted years ahead, but no matter when they occur or how long they last, these economic downturns are part and parcel of the modern capitalist system.

As a small business owner, you may not know when the next recession will occur, but you can be absolutely certain that it will. In the face of that uncertainty, the best you can do is get your business ready, so you will be better positioned to emerge as unscathed as possible. Here are some timely tips to prepare your small business for the next recession — whenever it may occur.

Secure Sources of Capital Now — Before You Need the Money

When economic storm clouds are on the horizon, lenders get more cautious with their money. Interest rates are likely to rise in the face of a recession, making it even more difficult to secure the capital your small business needs to survive.

Even if it costs a bit upfront, you might want to secure additional capital now before your small business really needs the money. You might pay a bit in interest but just think of it as an investment in the future security of your small business. Learn more about SBA loans for your small business at Eaton Community Bank.

Engage With Your Community

In the face of a recession, consumers are likely to cut back on their spending, including at local businesses. If you want to retain your customers and keep your firm profitable, a little strategic community engagement could go a long way.

Those cash-strapped consumers may be more likely to continue patronizing businesses they feel close to, and engaging with the community through charity events and other means is always a good thing to do. You will be doing good for the place you call home, but you will also be helping to recession-proof your small business.

Foster an Agile and Loyal Workforce

The power of your team will be even more critical during the next recession, so think carefully about the people you hire and how you train and retain them. An agile workforce is a must during economic uncertainty, so focus on cross-training, continuing education, and other strategic investments in your personnel.

Fostering loyalty and productivity in your workforce can be just as critical during economic uncertainty. Having a well-trained slate of workers dedicated to the success of the company you have built could prove pivotal when times get tough.

Develop Strong Relationships with Vendors and Suppliers

Supply chains can break down quickly during periods of economic uncertainty, leaving your business without the raw materials to create the products its customers long to buy. If you want to survive the next recession, building strong relationships with vendors is a great way to secure your supply chain and keep the products flowing.

Relationship building is always a smart investment for a small business, but it becomes even more powerful during periods of economic downturn. The strength of your supply chain could be a huge competitive advantage during a recession, and the time to start building those relationships is now.

Think Carefully About Large Capital Investments

With a recession on the horizon, every dollar counts, and now might not be the time to make large capital investments. Holding off on major purchases now could give your small business more breathing room, a key competitive advantage during times of economic difficulty.

That does not mean that you should not invest in smart upgrades for your small business — some investments can pay off even when money and resources are short. It simply means thinking twice and using caution before authorizing any large outlays of cash, especially if you think a recession is right around the corner.

Even the experts have a hard time predicting the next recession, which can make things difficult for the owners of small businesses. Recessions are easy to spot when they are over, but all too difficult to see before they arrive.

In the face of all that uncertainty, the best thing you can do is get your small business ready. You might not know when the next recession will arrive, but you can be sure it will show up eventually. The tips above can help you prepare your small business for the next downturn, so you can emerge stronger, wiser, and more profitable on the other side.

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